With everything the way it's been for the last few months, it's no surprise that people just don't want to be spending as much money on unnecessary items. I also know that being able to purchase these things at any time is a luxury and not everyone has the privilege of doing so. This is why I decided to create a list of ways you can improve your home decor and refresh your space on a $0 budget! Yes, everything in this list is free or using items you likely already own.
I created a full YouTube video going over all this with footage of everything, so if you'd rather sit back and watch or listen, head over to my Free Home Decor Video or just watch here! If you'd rather read, scroll down past it!
Let's get started.
1. Remove the book jackets
The unity of your home decor can take a hit when all your books are all different colours and designs. Some people solve this issue by turning the books around so the paper edges are showing, but functionally, that doesn’t really work for me because as someone who actually wants to READ my books, I’d like to see what I’m picking up. Instead, I take off the jackets. Usually there’s a beautifully textured solid colour book cover under there and yes, I know that the jackets are meant to protect the books (and catch your attention so you buy them) but if you never take them off, what’s the point of preserving what’s underneath if you never see it!
2. Do away with all the labels
When I’m looking at my cosmetic items, I often find it extremely messy looking with all the different labels, so I just rip them right off. You can easily soak them off in hot water if they’re tough, but often I find they come off easily on their own. A LOT of containers are just white under the label so it immediately gives a more co-ordinated look. (some items in the image switched because I had previously removed some labels so I used other products in the before example.) If there are critical instructions I need to keep, I cut that off and stick it to the bottom where I can’t see it. Some people buy the amber glass bottles as a replacement, especially for the ones without removable labels, but I say, we can take it even a step further by using tip 2.5 and saving the empty containers you find attractive, and using those as your replacements. If you have a bulk cosmetics store in your area, you can just get all matching containers and refill them over and over and then they’ll all match! But it does involve making a purchase which isn’t why we’re here today.
3. Art!

a) This could be the perfect time to practice some of your art skills which of course has ENDLESS possibilities, but if you don’t have any supplies at home, you can always do some simple word art and all you need is a pen! Learn beautiful calligraphy skills from one of the many YouTube resources, or simply type what you want out in Canva, which is a free website, and change it to whatever cute font you want! There are so many to choose from. From there, save it as a PDF and you can print and use, or print it and trace it for a more hand-drawn look!

b) You can also print your own photos or pick some beautiful ones from a royalty free resource like UnSplash. The quality will depend on your own printer settings and the paper you use, but personally I think it looks so cool on a textured paper like watercolour paper! Alternatively, cut out a cool patterned page from a magazine or some wrapping paper and stick it in a frame for a fresh look. c) Another cool technique is to press leaves and plants you can find in your own backyard! I have these really cute ferns, and then I just laid them over a white background and I think it looks awesome! It’s also a great way to bring some nature into the space.
4. Shop your own house
This tip is from the great Nate Berkus himself! You would be surprised how your own old items can feel new again when placed somewhere different or used in a new way! I switched the decorative pieces to a different shelf and immediately it felt new again. I also at one point replaced my closet door with curtains for an airier look and to let my clothes breathe. This can also be done with art, or even furniture! Try turning any of the Kallax pieces or from IKEA (or anything similar) on their side for something completely different, for example. Or set up something in a new way. Maybe your dresser can be used as a console table, or a bar setup and vice versa! Does your table light have to sit on a table? Or can we go absolutely crazy and transform it into a cool chandelier? (by switching the shades, please don’t try to hang a table lamp from your ceiling.) Get creative.
5. Use your functional belongings as decor

You don’t have to buy items whose explicit purpose is decorative. I’m a big fan of functional design, which is why I think it’s so cool to use your own possessions. This is great because it will save you money by using things you already own, it often shows your personality more, it works as storage, and it celebrates these items that you love! I will be doing this by hanging my favourite hats on the wall, you could also hang up your favourite vinyl albums if you have those, or a musical instrument! I’ve used a scarf as an accent on a console table, or if you have a cool gadget or something, put it on display! These items probably mean more to you anyway.
6. Declutter, and 7. swap!
I love decluttering, I love the feeling of just relief that comes with getting rid of items that don’t serve me anymore, and even doing this alone can have a huge impact on your space. Just read any of the material from Marie Kondo and you’ll be seriously inspired. As a human who wants to ensure sustainability, something I do a lot when decluttering my clothes, is to have a clothing swap with some friends. So, taking that idea, why not have a home décor swap? A big part of being human is habituating, or, getting bored of something you see a lot. So something that’s old and boring to one of your friends will be new and exciting to you so you can give it that new life it deserves.
8. Bigger windows, higher ceilings
Your window treatments can really change the way the window looks! For this reason, I urge you to hang your curtains and draperies at the ceiling and at the outside extents of your windows, rather than at the top of the window and the inside. This simple change will make your window appear much larger, and your ceilings much taller! Now, usually you want your curtains to hang to the floor so if lifting yours makes them too short, since we’re not buying them in this video, try just doing half of this trick and extending the rod out wide so your curtains hang in front of the wall. You’ll need to move the wall connections, but I promise this will make a big difference already, and you can finish the second half of this hack once it’s in your budget to purchase some longer curtains.
9. Consolidate your stuff
When a few things are sitting out on a table, it tends to look very random and cluttered even if they belong there. A great way to solve this is to consolidate them onto a tray! If you don't have a tray, anything can work from a place-mat like I used here, to a piece of fabric, a mirror, or even a serving tray.

10. Let your space bloom
A great way to get some nice fresh floral arrangements in a pandemic is to get some from your own backyard! You’d be surprised what lovely combinations you can make from simple things. I’m going to do a collab in the near future with Phoebe, the founder of Blossoms and Bubbles on how to create your own boujee looking flower arrangements from inexpensive grocery store flowers, so that future video will come in handy if you have your own florals you can cut yourself too, so keep an eye out! But in the meantime, grab some pretty looking flowers and greenery from your own yard, or maybe your friends have a couple you can trade for too! Bring them inside (after checking for bugs obviously) to bring some life into your space!
Thanks for reading! I’m sure this is not an exhaustive list I’m certain there are way more creative ideas out there so please share your favourite tips below, I love reading the comments so don’t be shy!
Be sure to check out my YouTube channel where I dive into all things interior design and decor, as well as my Instagram, and you can sign up for my email list below for all the freebies!