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50+ Date Ideas that are More Than just Quarantine & Chill

Writer: Tara BergenTara Bergen

Updated: Apr 26, 2021

In situations like the current global state of events (COVID19 time/social distancing/there's no toilet paper anywhere), it's easy to forget that there are things to do at home other than just watch Netflix or sit on our phones. I want to take advantage of the time we're taking to socially distance ourselves and use it to gain some quality time with those close to me (physically lol).

In all seriousness, it's important to keep doing things to keep yourself mentally stimulated, and physically active! I put together a list of over 50 things you can do either as an at home date, friend hangout if you choose to see someone, or even by yourself! Many of these are taken from my list of 200+ Date Ideas that are More Than just Dinner and a Movie, another good resource list of fun things to do with someone, but maybe don't look at that post right now unless you want to read a long list of things you can't do... #thankscoronavirus

I've taken the time to divide this list by level of effort and activity, so you can gauge your night based on how you feel in the moment. Who knows, you might just find something fun you've never thought of, or you might just get a laugh.


Low Activity

Read this list together

Go for a walk (and be prepared to sprint in the other direction if you see another human being)

Stargaze (in your own damn backyard)

Make a new smoothie recipe with the 3 things left in your fridge

Read a book out loud

Watch a really old lame horror movie

Watch an actually scary movie (nothing about viruses because it's too soon)

Watch a documentary (see above statement)

Sad Movie

Action Movie

Do a colouring book

Go online shopping, pick outfits for each other

Make a list of couple goals

A General fun night

Try a date box from DateNiteCo

Virtual flower arranging workshop

Sing a duet

Build a blanket fort

Build an outside fort

Play a drinking game (the liquor stores are still well stocked ;) )

Moustache movie drinking game – Tape a couple of moustaches onto your TV screen and every time it lines up on someone’s face, drink.

Wii Game Night

Guitar Hero

Make banana bread (you definitely have old bananas you can use)

Mario Kart

Play Lego

Play a collaborative video game - (We like Don't Starve Together)

Create something

Drink Coronas as a metaphorical slap in the face to both the virus, and the idiots who think you can catch it from drinking beer.

Draw each other

Paper plane competition (a la The Office)

Stereotypical girl’s night

Stereotypical guys’ night

Play "boyfriend does my makeup/hair"

Play drinking games via Skype with your friends

At home spa day

Karaoke (There are tons of karaoke versions of songs on YouTube!)

Design your dream home in The Sims

Play the floor is lava and try to beat each other to certain areas of the house

Play the newlywed game

High Effort/Activity

Try acro yoga

Do an art project

Write a song

Create a post-apocalyptic video diary

Create obstacle courses for each other

Build a snowman/fort

Make ice bubbles

DDR (Dance Dance Revolution) or learn a dance from an online tutorial

Assign each other an art project

Do a YouTube tutorial

Photograph each other – It’s nice to see yourself through the other’s eyes

Game night!

Invent a secret code

Invent a board game/drinking game?

Have a Nerf gun fight

Try an online fitness class

Learn a new skill on Skillshare (not spons!)

Have an "International night" with a Try the World box (Not spons!)

Make a scavenger hunt for each other


Enjoy! And don't forget to comment your own ideas because us extroverts need some social interaction right about now.



About Tara

I'm Tara!
I'm an interior designer, a circus artist, and a lifestyle & adventure creator! I believe a well lived life has a perfect balance between planning and winging it (doing it LIVE), while making the most of every moment.


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