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  • Writer's pictureTara Bergen

10 Ways to be Healthier Without even Thinking about it

Updated: Feb 9, 2021

With January around the corner, it's likely that you've started thinking about what changes you might make to your life in 2020, or will start thinking about this in the next few weeks. It's not exactly a secret that one of the most popular New Year's "resolutions" (I hate the word resolutions and all the connotations that come with it but that's a post for another time), is to "be healthier". The sad thing is, that a lot of people fall off this train really quickly because of many reasons, but the most common being that their goal wasn't specific enough, or that they threw themselves into huge life changes right off the bat with big expectations, and no lead-up or accommodation for small successes. This works well for some, but as it takes 21 days to build a habit, it can be easy to jump in with gusto, and then fail quickly because they haven't given themselves the time to adjust to a new lifestyle. With that in mind, I've created a list of some small life changes (and a review of a super easy to use sit-stand desk) that are easy to implement to get you started on your journey to a healthier, better feeling you! You might barely have to think about some of them, but they could make a big difference. These could be the building blocks that become habits and lead you on the way to bigger life changes.

Disclaimer! I am not an expert. I'm not a nutritionist, doctor, physiotherapist, or anything similar. I'm just a person who likes to educate herself on how to be a healthier human, and who hopes that by sharing what she's learned, she could help someone. Always ask a health care professional if you want an expert opinion.


1. Ergonomics: AnthroDesk

I've been reading a great book on ergonomics, and it has inspired me to alter my working environment as a way to prevent future pain, and just be more comfortable all around. One of the easiest and most exciting ways I've accomplished this is by using an AnthroDesk Standing Desk Converter. I got it in the beautiful cherry-wood colour. This is an easy and cost-effective way of converting the desk I already have into a standing desk! It's great because I can adjust it to any height I want, or even lower it all the way down (or just take it off the desk) if I feel like sitting that day. Sitting is not actually great for the body and using this desk, along with the ergonomic standing mat has really helped me to increase my standing hours. For all you smart-watch wearers, think of how good it will feel to have your standing hour circles fill up regularly!

I've been using this in conjunction with the ErgoSlant Anti-Fatigue Ergonomic Floor Mat. Its slanted in order to put your spine in an ideal position, and is super squishy and comfortable to stand on. I'm not constantly adjusting and shifting my hips as I would if I were standing on my hard floor.

The whole set up was so easy to put together and came with all the necessary tools to build it! I had it set up within 10 minutes and was ready to use it and improve my posture! I'm currently a student and spend a lot of time on the computer which was having a negative effect on my right wrist from improper arm and wrist position. I was able to adjust my AnthroDesk to the ideal height for my arm, to help reduce that effect. I'm so happy with my new desk area at home!

2. Sit with a pillow behind your lower back

Also in the vein of ergonomics, while sitting, when your spine starts to curve forwards, it puts you in a negative position. Putting a small pillow behind your lower back can help put a big of a healthy curve back into your spine.

3. Water: Carry a water bottle with you

Drinking enough water can be hard, but it's so important! That's why I find that if I simply bring a water bottle with me everywhere, I'll drink from it unconsciously and then suddenly, it's empty! This happens especially when I have a bottle that's easy to open mindlessly so rather than one with a screw-on lid, try something with a cap that pops on and off easily. You can also help by being aware of how much water your bottles hold so you can track your intake more effectively.

3b. Drink water first when you wake up

Studies show that "drinking water first thing in the morning fires up your metabolism, making it 24 percent faster." (Bailey, page 232) 24 percent?! That's crazy. Put a water bottle beside your bed at night so you can chug a bunch of it as soon as you wake up.

4. Set your car seat to an upright position

By sitting up straight, we actually engage core muscles, so not only are you improving your posture, you're building baby abs! Keep it up!

5. DIY groceries!

Something terrible is happening in the food industry where a ton of unnecessary ingredients are added to your groceries! I personally like to avoid harmful chemicals and preservatives, but even if you don't buy into that theory, sugar is the big one to avoid. Some sugar is fine, like sugar you would get from eating fruits and vegetables (fructose, not to be confused with glucose-fructose)! But often sugar is added into things that shouldn't even be that sweet! Ketchup for example, is a big one. And most people don't know about all this added sugar they're consuming so they end up ingesting way more than they intend to. This can be avoided by either buying natural, or making your own easy staples!

For example, I've been making my own peanut butter for years, and often make my own pickles too. I've also always wanted to try making salsa! Peanut butter is the easiest as you literally just blend peanuts until they turn into butter. Who knew it was so easy? Plus, it's fun, and you feel like an absolutely self-sufficient Pinterest queen doing it.

6. Read the ingredients

This falls along the same lines as my previous tip. I get it. Buying from the "Natural" aisle is expensive. But much of what you find outside of that aisle isn't so bad either. It's all about reading the ingredients, which are often even more important to your health than the calorie count (which can also be misleading due to how big the brand says their "serving sizes" are). Do 10 minutes of research on what ingredients to watch out for (besides added sugar which we already know) and ask a nutritionist!

7. Don't drink your calories

This is a big one. Many people have felt better simply by cutting out sugary drinks. Order water instead of pop or juice. Opt out of the frappuccino and try an iced coffee, or tea instead! Tea can have a much sweeter taste without having to add sugar. If you can't stand the taste of plain water, stir in an electrolyte mix to add some flavour. I've linked my favourite one above.

8. Mix your alcohol with club soda or juice instead of pop

For the same reasons listed above, along with some people's enjoyment of binge-drinking, especially around the holidays, a person can consume a lot of sugar in one night without even realizing it. I mix my drinks with soda water and a little bit of the same electrolyte drink I linked above. This tip will help you there, and probably reduce your hangover.

9. Black out your bedroom

Sleep is one of the most important factors to our health. Without enough sleep we can become irritable, gain weight, have increased skin problems, and more. One of the major factors to a good night sleep is darkness. Our bodies are able to sense light coming in and we aren't able to get a proper rejuvenating sleep in. Invest in some black-out curtains and/or a sleep mask, and block lights from any electronics in your room to help improve your rest. Along the lines of sleep, light from screens can worsen sleep as well. Try to keep from looking at your phone right before you sleep, and/or try some blue light blocking glasses. I love mine!

10. Something is better than nothing

It can be hard to build healthy habits. They take a long time and when you're not used to it, it's tough to stay consistent. At the beginning, operate under the "something is better than nothing" mantra. This means that doing a little bit to work towards your goal is better than doing nothing, even if the only thing it accomplishes is reinforcing the habit. For example, if an hour or more at the gym feels like too much that day,or you have little time, just go and walk for 10 minutes on the treadmill. It might feel like you've accomplished nothing, but it's better than actually doing nothing. At the very least, it keeps your habit in mind by still having made that trip to the gym. And who knows, by the time you're done your 10 minutes, you might just feel up to finishing that workout! This thinking can be applied to any area of your life. Just keep trucking along.


These may not work for everyone, and are in no way a quick fix! But if you're on a journey to a healthier, better-feeling you, they could be an easier, gentler starting point to beginning to transform your lifestyle! I hope at least one of these tips helps you on your way!

A big thanks to AnthroDesk for sponsoring this post! If you've been following me for a while you know that I will never promote a product or service that I don't actually believe in. I'm actually typing this post standing-up using my desk-riser and ergonomic mat! So with integrity at the forefront of my mind, I was happy to promote this product that I actually use, and hopefully help someone in the process.



Sources: Bailey, C. (2017) The Productivity Project, Toronto, ON. Vintage Canada

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