I love every year when the new year comes around. It feels so good, like a fresh start and an opportunity to be even better than I was before. Of course, one can, and should have these kinds of resets throughout the year as well and not be limited to only January, but I'm a big fan of this moment in time, nevertheless. Every year I make a big ole' list of short term, and long term goals for the year, and 2019 will be no different! I put together a smaller list of a few of my travel/adventure related bucket list ideas in hopes to inspire some fun activities for the year! I have everything listed in detail below, and have also created a FREE downloadable printable that you can check off yourself!
Visit somewhere new in your own province/state.
So often, we forget about the spots we live in. Sometimes, all it takes is a tiny road trip to lead you to undiscovered fun that's close to home, or remind you of how incredible places aren't always far away!
Try 6 new things.
I feel like at a certain age we get comfortable doing certain things. Even if you're a thrill seeker, you could still be a little set in your ways. Last year I added this one to my list and it led me to discover a ton of new things and activities I liked! And some I didn't, and that was good too. Either way you learn a ton about yourself this way.
Do 1 thing a month that scares you.
Get out of your comfort zone often. It's fun!
Take a cheap flight to somewhere random.
I've always wanted to do this one, and this is the year!
Have a friend take you to their favourite place/activity. Ideally, this is something that you wouldn't normally do. It's a double whammy where you get to have a fun time with your friend, and hopefully learn a little more about them in the process!
Pick a country you don't know much about and learn about it.
BONUS: Go there! Grow your worldview and your photo album!
Sleep under the stars.
It's refreshing for your body and your soul. And stars are pretty.
Learn a new skill. Last year I added CPR, a boating lisence, crocheting, slo-pitch scorekeeping, and more to my docket of skills! It's fun, good for your brain, and probably useful. Skillshare is a good, affordable resource for this! They even have a 2 month free trial period I've used, and loved!
Say YES to something you normally wouldn't do. Next time someone invites you to something, or asks you to do something you'd usually turn down, say yes! You'll probably enjoy it much more than you think.
Thanks for reading! Comment your adventure and travel resolution ideas below, I'd love to hear them! Tara @itstaradelaney