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  • Writer's pictureTara Bergen

Take Care of Yourself while Camping

Updated: May 14, 2019

A.K.A. How to Avoid Looking like a Greasy Hobo.

Let's get one thing straight. It's absolutely fine to look like a greasy hobo while camping. (No disrespect to my hobos out there.) But after spending the last couple summers camping nearly every weekend, I've picked up a trick or two on the easy ways I can look and feel a little cleaner in the absence of the usual daily luxuries we have at home. Some of those luxuries include showers, a full skincare routine, sleeping inside, you get the idea.


I usually find that my skin is what suffers more than anything when I'm camping. Between putting my normal routine on hold, the eating worse than usual, the sweating and the drinking, I need to take the extra effort to make sure I don't regret my excursion. Because when your skin is misbehaving, it SUCKS. 1. Use sample containers so that you don't have to leave your favourite products at home! Companies like LUSH, The Body Shop and many more offer samples of their products. Go pick some up and use the empty containers to house small amounts of your usual cleansers and creams!

Buying minis of everything isn't great for the environment or your wallet, so sample pots are a great solution. The only thing I still buy the small versions of is deodorant! 2. Cleansing wipes are your best friend. You'll likely run into a situation where you don't have running water to use your liquid cleanser, so these are great for that, in addition to simply refreshing yourself throughout the day. You're probably going to be sweating more than usual and sitting around the fire, and all that sweat and smoke shouldn't be sitting on your skin.

Hair 1. I think the first thing everyone's mind goes to is: just wear a hat! And that's great advice, but if you're out there for more than like, a day and can't shower frequently, hold off on the hat. It'll trap in all your sweat onto your hair and forehead and actually make you greasy faster. So yes, wear a hat eventually, but don't pull it out until you HAVE to. Until then... 2. Wear braids! The texture is great for hiding grease, and looks better the longer you leave them in (messy hair!). If you pull them out you have more texture which is great, and if you leave them in that works too! Low maintenance, and cute. When that's not enough, throw on your hat or... 3. Use a mini dry shampoo. The only other mini I advocate for! I would only use this if I was going to be camping for days and days and had no way to shower, but it's something we use in our home life, so why not bring a small version camping?

Water Bottle from @lamosego

Body and other 1. Deodorant. It's obvious, but don't forget it. Be nice to your fellow campers.

2. Cleansing wipes: not just for your face!

3. Eat properly. I know how easy it is just to throw chips and hotdogs together, but you will feel SO much better if you plan ahead with something not only easy, but healthy too. There are tons of healthy camping recipes out there, just take a look on Pinterest! My personal favourites are things like eggs, chicken salad, and these super tasty meal replacement shakes that come in packets! SO easy, you just mix them in water!

4. It's amazing how much better you feel after brushing your teeth. Another obvious one, but a goodie.

5. Drink SO MUCH water. Especially if you're going to be drinking alcohol. Your skin and your body will thank you, plus your energy will be much higher for it. Pro tip: I also add electrolytes to my water to add a healthy boost, and help ward off hangovers! Hopefully you found this list helpful! I've linked some of my favourite products for these solutions above for you, and have many more camping tips to come! Let me know your favourite tips! Follow me on Instagram @tarad3laney to see more pictures from my outdoor adventures. Tara

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